Dear Visitor,
if wildlife is your passion, if you want to get to know it, understand and protect it, if you are passionate about the artistic and creative aspects of Nature, if you like watching nature photographs, films, exhibitions, albums, or simply: if you value freedom and wildlife – you are in a very good place. You’ll find truly plentiful content here, well over 500 single pages (September 2022).
Our ŻUBROWA 10 website is open for you. We invite you inside!
Although this website works well on various devices, including mobile devices, for optimal and more enjoyable reception – especially photos, films and videos – we recommend viewing it on stationary screens with a resolution of 1920 pixels or more.

This is the author’s website of Jan Walencik and his small company ŻUBROWA 10 JAN WALENCIK, established in mid-2009 in Białowieża, Poland, in the heart of the Białowieża Primeval Forest. Until April 2020 the company worked as a wider crew, but with Jan Walencik’s retirement, ŻUBROWA 10 operates with a core team of founders: Jan Walencik, Bożena Walencik and Krzysztof Komar.
Our ambitions have been guided for years by the slogan that has so far been the motto of this website: WE DISCOVER THE WORLD OF NATURE IN OUR OWN WAY – FILMS, PHOTOGRAPHS, WORDS, SOUNDS. Our goal was to realize our own original ideas about Nature – TV series, cinema films, books, albums, photo exhibitions and multimedia forms (detailed information about the work of Bożena and Jan Walencik until 2022 here).
This website was and is an expression of our work. There is no confabulation, no stretching of facts in it. Everything we post here happened or happens in reality. This is our creative output. And ŻUBROWA 10 itself is for us a symbol of what we have achieved so far in life. It is a symbol of fulfilling dreams, consequent work with passion, over forty years of experience and the best ventures in life.
Details of ŻUBROWA 10 and contact with Jan Walencik – at the bottom of this page. ⬇︎
Inevitably, along with age, the time has come when I can and want to declare loudly: I am (we are) ending our life’s adventure with nature film – enough is enough.
I was convinced of this by several years of fruitless efforts to put into production the six-part nature series With Bated Breath and the two-hour cinema nature film Concert of Life. We had a great, but enormous desire to create a monumental work that would contain all our best experiences in filming Polish wildlife, to which we wanted to devote all our strength and skills. However, we were discouraged by the constant persuasion that our film ideas were worth anything, that we had some kind of credit of trust in the form of previously made and acclaimed films and TV series, and finally by the dependence on someone else’s whim. Several valuable years were lost. Many times in our life, the following rule has been confirmed: whenever we could count only on our own efforts – we achieved success, when we tried to count on others – we failed more than once.
Equally loudly I want to declare: I’m not end with the the artistic exploration of Nature, I’m just beginning the creative adventure of life! I feel that spring has come to me. Just as we call the spring of life the youthful years, for me it is now springtime two, or the spring of the old man. For I have intuitively found within myself a reason that will keep me alive for years to come and rejuvenate, at least spiritually. This is my creative rebirth I called this:
This is what fuels my flame and will now absorb me completely. I am returning to my infatuation with which I once began a creative adventure – to PHOTOGRAPHY. Now I want it to be intentional and carefully considered photography, shaped only by my expression (emotions and mind), but still studying the world of Nature. That is why, with full awareness, I want to practice personal, authorial, that is SUBJECTIVE ART PHOTOGRAPHY understood in my own way. End, period. This vision really has the power of rebirth for me.
That’s what this website is about.
From July 2022, my website has a completely new look – compared to the first, quite rich version, rather minimalist and subdued. In such a more modest setting, I would like what is most important to sound stronger and better: the colorful palette of photographs, films and texts.
Since the same time, my website has a new layout. In the English version I focus on two tabs. The first presents my new, and largest multimedia project so far, With Bated Breath. The second, PORTFOLIO tab, shows a cross-section of our most important works.
If you feel like it and you are curious, you can also explore the Polish version of our website, which is much richer – naturally with the help of the browser translator. There you will find, as a last tab, the ARCHIVE OF ŻUBROWA 10, PAGES BEFORE 2022. From its level, there are sub-tabs about our former work (films, spots, photographs, publications, exhibitions) and our history. Exploring this archive takes time and patience as it contains as many as 476 individual pages!

Address: ul. Żubrowa 10, 17-230 Białowieża
VATIN: PL8211413499
Contact Jan Walencik (fill in all fields):
The administrator of personal data provided in the above form is ŻUBROWA 10 JAN WALENCIK. The principles of data processing and your related rights are described in PRIVACY POLICY.