The Last Primeval Forest in Lowland Europe (bilingual book)

Author (text and photographs): Jan Walencik

Conception and editorial: Jan Walencik
Scientific consultation: Czesław Okołów
Translation: Richard Bialy
Proofreading: Marta Kołodziej-Sobocińska

Volume: 224 pages
Format: 25 x 19 cm
Photographs: 175
Binding: hard full-paper

Graphic design, typesetting and page layout: ŻUBROWA 10
Production arrangements: Krzysztof Komar
Printing and binding: Białostockie Zakłady Graficzne S.A.

Collaboration and financial assistance for the publication of the book: Regional Directorate of State Forests in Bialystok
Year of release: 2010
ISBN: 978-83-930136-1-6

Okładka książki Ostatnia puszcz niżowej Europy, autor Jan Walencik.

Front cover of Jan Walencik’s book Ostatnia puszcza nizinnej Europy. The Last Primeval Forest in Lowland Europe. ŻUBROWA 10 JAN WALENCIK, 2010.

This bilingual book is about the nature of the Białowieża Primeval Forest, the last refugium of natural lowland primeval forests that once covered the lowlands of Europe. The author presents the Białowieża Forest as a large organism that has been functioning for centuries, and shows its uniqueness and distinctiveness. He also talks about how this only preserved piece of ancient forest on the Old Continent is close and should be close to every European. Numerous original photographs and accompanying commentaries guide the Reader through the chapters:

1. The Primeval Forest of the Old Continent
2. A Primeval Forest Pulsating With Life
3. The Forest of Ancient Refuges
4. The Last Primeval Forest in Lowland Europe.

This book is also a voice calling for the effective protection of the Białowieża pearl of nature and an appeal to the parliamentarians of Poland and Europe.

We present nineteen original pages of the book Ostatnia puszcza nizinnej Europy. The Last Primeval Forest in Lowland Europe – Table of contents, Word from the author and chapter The Primeval Forest of the Old Continent.

Although the print run of the book Ostatnia puszcza nizinnej Europy. The Last Primeval Forest in Lowland Europe has long been out of print, but it is sometimes possible to acquire it second hand. Such occasional copies still appear online: in bookshops, book auctions and other forums. This is probably the only way to get it if you would like to own this already rare Polish-English book. You can try to keep track of current listings by typing into your browser the phrase Ostatnia puszcza nizinnej Europy książka or The Last Primeval Forest in Lowland Europe the book.

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