Saga of the Ancient Forest. Part V: The Tale of a Wood Beetle. The Power of Dwarf
Duration: 52’ 00”
Original format: 16:9 SD
Format after the revitalization: 16: 9 HD
Sound: 5.1, 2.0
Series idea, screenplay and direction: Bożena Walencik, Jan Walencik
Cinematography: Jan Walencik
Assistants: Bogusław Chyła, Andrzej Muśko
Sound: Bożena Walencik, Jan Walencik
Sound effects: Jan Walencik
Narrator’s tale: Bożena Walencik, Jan Walencik
Narrator: Krzysztof Gosztyła
Music: Michał Lorenc
Performing music: Polish Radio Orchestra, Marek Wroński Orchestra, Michał Lorenc
Conductor: Tadeusz Karolak
Soloists: Klaudiusz Baran – accordion, Małgorzata Szarlik-Woźniak – violin, Michał Górczyński – clarinet
Recording and ripping music: Rafał Paczkowski
Song Koło młyna: Krzysztof Gosztyła – based on a traditional chant from the Białowieża area, compiled by Hanna Kondratiuk
Music consultation: Małgorzata Przedpełska-Bieniek
Image and sound editing: Bożena Walencik, Jan Walencik
Assembly cooperation: Maciej Walencik
Image post-production: The Chimney Pot, Jędrzej Sabliński – Producer, Zofia Bieńkowska – Production organization, Piotr Sasim – Color correction, Wiktor Sasim – Negative transfer, Andrzej Kowalski – On-line assembly, Paweł Falkowski – Credits
Sound post-production: Supra Film Zbigniew Malecki – Sound realization and development
Collaboration: Andrzej Kowal – Technology coordination
Production organization: Krzysztof Komar
Collaboration: Jerzy Jakutowicz
Laboratory: Documentary and Feature Film Studio in Warsaw
Negative: Kodak Vision Super 16
Animal breeding: Bożena Walencik, Jan Walencik, Krzysztof Komar
Collaboration: Dariusz Poznański, Marcin Chrapowicki, Jadwiga Krzywińska, Armin Kobus, Basia Romanowska, Andrzej Muśko, Bogusław Chyła
Balloon pilot: Jerzy Czerniawski
Powered hang glider pilot: Zbigniew Kędziora
Co-operation: Białowieża National Park, Ministry of Education
Lead Editor: Ewa Chrabąszcz-Smoczyńska
In a starring role: Dziurawiąca ziemię (Hollowing the soil), a female forest beetle in seven incarnations
Narrator in the rain: Jan Walencik
Carter: Krzysztof Gosztyła, Mirosław Waszkiewicz
Border Guard patrol: Leszek Czmak, Mirosław Harasimczuk
Motorcyclist: Robert Ochryciuk
Driver: Mirosław Superson
Mushroom pickers: Krzysztof Komar, Bogusław Chyła
Moonshiner: Eugeniusz Parchotik
The authors would like to thank the following for their help in making the film: the Orthodox Parish in Dubiny, Rev. Prot. Bazyl Niegierewicz, employees of the Białowieża National Park, Białowieża Forest District, Hajnówka Forest District, Browsk Forest District and Przemysławi Szwałko, Jerzy Gutowski, Jerzy Błoszyk, Andrzej G. Kruszewicz, Eugeniusz Pugacewicz, Wojciech Misiukiewicz, Border Guard in Białowieża, Volunteer Fire Brigade in Białowieża. Special thanks to Zofia Żukowska
Production: Film Agency for Program 1 of TVP S.A.
Lead time: 2000–2008
End of production: 2008 (end of series production: 2009)
Revitalization to HD: 2015–2016
Premiere: 06.12.2010

Frames from the film (QUOTES).
For years since I started filming, this thought has been torturing me: What does it feel like to be a wild animal? A wolf, raven, bison, beaver, or ant? To overstep the boundaries of feeling of man and animal. To find in myself the purest ability to see, hear, and feel. Unafraid of the wildness of the forest, to feel being its part, the unbridled wildness.
QUOTE. Excerpt from the film Saga of the Ancient Forest. Part V: The Tale of a Wood Beetle. The Power of Dwarf. Directed by Bożena Walencik, Jan Walencik. Source: TVP.
The forest beetle, a female – for many an insignificant worm – from the first days of HER adult life, overcomes the obstacles placed in front of HER by a world of giants: cars, horses, bison, wolves and other animals. It turns out that this dwarf does something without which the forest could not exist. Finally, SHE too finds HER promised land. Spooky bad luck causes a man to stand in HER way…
On September 24, 2011, in Łódź, at the 14th Włodzimierz Puchalski International Nature Film Festival, Bożena and Jan Walencik received the Grand Prix, an award from the Polish Film Institute, for the film Saga of the Ancient Forest. Part V. The Tale of a Wood Beetle.